The Safe Place

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Safe Chronicles: My Dad’s Safe, How I Love it, But How It’s No Good For My Guns

The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Safe Chronicles: My Dad’s Safe, How I Love it, But How It’s No Good For My Guns
My father gave me his old safe --and I treasure it. But I recognize that it’s NOT the safe for my guns and valuables. Why? Well, for starters, it’s too small. That doesn’t mean I’m going to throw it away, it’s just not the right size for my rifles, pistols, my extra laptop, my wife’s Mac Air, and my framed Bruce Lee autograph I always lock up when I leave town. Second is that I’m not sure a 100 year old safe still has viable insulation --and I’m not risking all the paper I put in my safe on a relic. 
If you have an old safe too, it might be time to consider something a little more, For pricing, sizes, colors, and availability, call us.

The Safe Place ( is a safe dealer selling the general public gun safes, fire safes, and burglary safes at wholesale prices. We are located in Reno / Sparks, Nevada, but we sell and ship gun, fire, and burglary safes to homes and businesses all over the world. The best way to find the very lowest price on a safe that perfectly meets your needs is to phone us at 775-358-7233 and/or peruse our website.

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