The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Safe Chronicles: Safes for Guns - When You Buy One, Buy the Right One, The First Time
The last thing you want is a safe that ends up not being big enough --or worse, not “safe” enough for the things you put in it (and we do, often, hear stories of cheap safes being pried open --and owners who lost the very things they had sought to protect). When you buy a safe for your guns, collectables, gold, jewelry, or any valuable item or items, buy right, the first time. The place to begin is to get advice --before you spend a dime. Call us!
The Safe Place ( is a safe dealer selling the general public gun safes, fire safes, and burglary safes at wholesale prices. We are located in Reno / Sparks, Nevada, but we sell and ship gun, fire, and burglary safes to homes and businesses all over the world. The best way to find the very lowest price on a safe that perfectly meets your needs is to phone us at 775-358-7233 and/or peruse our website.
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