The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Safe Chronicles: Selling 1000’s of Safes --and What It Has Taught Us
We’ve learned that people end up putting more things in their safe than they originally anticipated.
We’ve learned people appreciate wholesale prices, but only on safes that are well built and designed to protect their contents (nobody likes a great price on a safe that they come home to and find that it was compromised).
We’ve learned that box stores, hardware stores, and sporting goods may occasionally sell safes, but not one of the salespeople we’ve ever spoken too really know their product and whether it’s truly “safe” or not (read: bad).
We’ve learned that 99.9% of the time, we can beat anyone’s price on a safe, just about any where in the world.
The Safe Place ( is a safe dealer selling the general public gun safes, fire safes, and burglary safes at wholesale prices. We are located in Reno / Sparks, Nevada, but we sell and ship gun, fire, and burglary safes to homes and businesses all over the world. The best way to find the very lowest price on a safe that perfectly meets your needs is to phone us at 775-358-7233 and/or peruse our website.
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