The Safe Place

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Safe Chronicles: Lights in Your Gun or Fire Safe, Why and How

The Gun Safe, Fire Safe, Burglary Chronicles: Lights in Your Gun or Fire Safe, Why and How
My eyesight is, well, not getting BETTER, if you know what I mean. So my gun safe has an interior light that comes on when I open the door. It’s GREATLY appreciated. If you too want to shed some light on the matter, you can buy a gun safe with lights already built in --or there are plenty of lights you can add to your safe, made to fit perfectly and stay out of the way of your storage space. For more info, call us!
The Safe Place is a gun safe dealer selling the general public gun safes, fire safes, and burglary safes at wholesale prices. We are located in Reno / Sparks, Nevada, but we sell and ship gun, fire, and burglary safes to homes and businesses all over the world. The best way to find the very lowest price on a safe that perfectly meets your needs is to phone us at 775-358-7233 and/or peruse our website. 

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