The Safe Place

Monday, August 15, 2011

 Dear Mr. Callos,

First, allow me to thank you for the gun safe I recently bought from you. It’s the right size, it’s the right color, and most of all, it’s sturdy enough to protect the things I want to protect. As you might remember, I’d come to The Safe Place because I was the victim of a home burglary. 

While my wife and I were away on holiday, someone broke into our home and carried off a lot of things we considered precious and valuable, things we should have locked in a safe like we have now. In our case, something good came out of something bad; we now pay a lot more attention to what we leave laying around --and what we put out of reach of people who shouldn’t have their hands in our things.
Your statement, “Expect the best, prepare for the worst,” really hit home with us after the burglary, and thanks to you we’re now better prepared. My advice to people who own safe-sized valuables (guns, high tech gear, collectibles, jewelry, heirlooms, etc.) is to call The Safe Place and get a wholesale price on a fun, fire, or burglary safe that will keep those things from being stolen. Period.”

Thanks again,

Victor (last name withheld by request).

Gun Safes, Fires Safe, Security Containers, Drop Safes, Depository Safes, Safe Deposit Boxes, Vaults, Safe Rooms, Jewelery Safes, TL-15 and TL-30 Safes, Wall Safes -- There are so many brands and kinds of safes it can make you dizzy.

The way to sort through what is good and was is not right for you, is to talk with a real gun safe, fire safe, burglary safe expert

We are and our phone number is 775-358-7233 (PST). We sell gun, fire, and burglary safes, at wholesale prices, discreetly and online, all over the world.

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