The Safe Place

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not All Safes are "Safe." Buy a Safe, For the Right Price, THat Serves YOUR Needs

Not all safes are created equal. A quick search on YouTube and you can find videos of safes being opened in all sorts of ways (crowbars, pry-bars, magic tricks, etc.). A safe can look just like the kind of safe you think you could trust, only to find out it’s not much of a safe at all.  Some gun safes aren’t much more than steel storage cabinets --which, by the way, for some people, is enough.

But if you’re interested in buying a safe that’s tough as hell to open, that “acts” like a safe should, and won’t allow some lug with a pry-bar to get to the things you intended to keep safe, call us at The Safe Place. 775-358-7233.

We’ll save you time, money, and hassles.

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