The Safe Place

Monday, December 6, 2010

Buy a Safe, Online, for the Lowest Price, Discreetly and With a Guarantee

OK, this is a genuine, no-strings-attached offer: If you're in the market to buy a safe, ANY SAFE, whether it's a gun safe, a fire safe, a safe to protect jewelry, paperwork, collectibles, handguns, electronics, or your collection of Star Trek memorabilia, CALL OUR OFFICE (775-358-7233).

Visit our website:

We sell 1000's of safes a year. We KNOW this business. We know what's good, what's great, and what is best to avoid.

You tell us your situation, what you're looking or and/or want, and what your budget is, and will give you the best advice and guidance we possibly can.

We're not here by accident. We're not the salesperson at the sporting good store, handling bow and arrows, canteens, and gun safes. We only care about safes and security, in fact, we've dedicated out lives to the subject.

If we can save you money, we will ----and we will NEVER try to sell you something that you don't need or that won't genuinely do what you're hoping it will do.

Bill Callos

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