Let’s talk safes. Safe with thin steel walls --and thick (THICK) steel walls. There’s a difference, of course. Let’s talk about fire safes with insulation that protects at high temperatures for 20, 30, 60, and 90 minutes plus. Let’s talk about the safe one of our clients bought at a “box store” sporting goods place that she came how to find had been pried open (her valuables, gone).
Let’s discuss your safe needs. Are you going to protect your collection of guns? How much would you value your collection at? Do you want to insure the contents? What kind of fire might destroy the contents of a fire safe you bought? What kind of fire safe would stand up in the kind of fire that might strike your home?
Are you going to protect jewelry? What’s the difference between a TL-15 and a TL-30 and why do you need to know this? What brands are made in the US --and which are shipped in from overseas --and does the quality vary?
Don’t buy a safe, in-person or on-line, until you know enough to make an informed decision. To GET INFORMED, go to www.theSAFEplace.com and/or call one of the team at The Safe Place: 775-358-7233 (PST).
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